#BlackFriday puts immense pressure on business and consumers alike. Part of our #SustainbleDesign policy is to consider the merit of every purchase, so that our Clients make fully informed decisions - investing in products & materials for #longevity. Sales used to be a time for shifting ageing stock to make way for new; now they are used as a tool to drive an unsustainable buying frenzy, that is invariably followed by a slump. Such a pattern is hard for any business to ride out - especially smaller, local, boutique suppliers who's skills and products are those we should most cherish & protect.
We do not strive to beat our suppliers down on price; instead we demand the best value for our Clients. We also champion the #BestofBritish suppliers who's products have proven value, worth & beauty; knowing that if we do not support them, we will loose out on the choice, diversity and skills of home grown talent.
Interiors designed by Pascoe Interiors are #DesignedforLife - proof of which can be seen in the continuing popularity and draw of past projects, some of which continue to inspire through press features over a decade after installation. An example being this stunning kitchen that we designed in 2010, that has graced covers and features across the board.
Please join us in championing & supporting the BEST in design. If we all hold our nerve and make decisions to buy at a time that suits our needs, we will be rewarded by getting the best deal - for us & our Clients.